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5 Signs It’s Time to Change Jobs

By Helen Clark


Choosing to change jobs is a significant decision that can greatly impact one’s career and overall happiness, but the act of deciding to leave your current role, looking for a new job, and joining a new company can be stressful and intimidating. Whilst it’s normal to experience occasional dissatisfaction at work and will often seem easier to remain at your current job where everything is familiar and comfortable, there are usually signs to indicate that it may be time to seriously consider moving on. Here are five key indicators that suggest it might be time for a career change: 


1. Lack of Fulfilment and Passion 

If you find yourself dreading going to work each day, and feeling uninterested or uninspired by your tasks, this may be an indication that your current job no longer aligns with your professional aspirations or personal values. Being happy and fulfilled at work is an overall productivity booster and enhances performance, with a sense of purpose and enjoyment being crucial for long-term career satisfaction. In recent years, it has become a lot more common and acceptable for professionals to go through several jobs throughout their working years, with baby boomers estimated to go through about 11 or 12, and that number rises significantly to 15 to 20 for millennials. 


2. Limited Growth and Career Progression Opportunities 

Stagnation in terms of growth and development can be a strong indicator that it’s time to explore new job avenues. Feeling like your skills and expertise are not being utilised or valued, or if there are no clear opportunities for advancement, can lead to feelings of frustration and lack of motivation. Changing jobs can provide fresh challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth.  A study conducted by Glassdoor found that job title stagnation hurts employee retention, with every additional 10 months an employee stays in the same role makes them 1% more likely to leave the company when they move on to their next position.  


3. Toxic Work Environment  

It goes without saying that a toxic work environment can have detrimental effects on an employee’s mental and physical well-being. If you find yourself in an environment characterised by constant negativity, lack of support, excessive workload, or unprofessional behaviour, it is essential to prioritise your mental health. Chronic stress and job dissatisfaction caused by a toxic workplace can seep its way into other areas of life, making it crucial to consider finding a healthier and more positive work environment.  


4. Misalignment with Company Values and Culture 

The values and culture of any organisation play a vital role in an employee’s job satisfaction. LMRE and Fifth Wall’s Salary Report that was published last year found that people’s dislike of their company culture meant they were far more likely to be looking for a new job (86%) and feel undervalued (67%). If you notice a misalignment between your personal values and those of the company you work for, it can create a sense of dissonance and isolation, often breeding the feeling of ‘imposter syndrome’. If your employer’s ethical practices or social responsibilities contradict your personal values, it may be a sign that it’s time to join a new company that better aligns with your principles.  


5. Lack of Work-Life Balance 

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being. Creating clear boundaries between work and personal life by setting specific working hours and avoiding excessive overtime will avoid the risk of burnout and provide the opportunity to fully recharge and switch off. If your current job demands long hours, frequent overtime, or consistently encroaches on your personal time, it can negatively impact relationships, hobbies, and self-care. A recent study conducted by Great Place To Work found that 94% of employees at the top 5 UK’s Best Workplaces for Wellbeing agree that “people are encouraged to balance their work life and their personal life”. A sustainable work-life balance is vital for long-term career satisfaction and a fulfilling personal life.  


Recognising the signs that it’s time to change jobs is a crucial step toward personal growth and professional fulfilment. From a lack of passion and growth opportunities to toxic work environments, misalignment with values, and poor work-life balance, paying attention to these indicators can guide individuals toward making positive changes in their careers. If you are looking for a new job, market advice or just to speak with experts in the space, get in touch with one of our consultants here at LMRE and they will help you in your search! 



Glassdoor, Dr. Andrew Chamberlain; Why Do Workers Quit? The Factors That Predict Employee Turnover. (15th February 2017) 

Great Place To Work; Hybrid working for wellbeing. (17th February 2023) 

LMRE and Fifth Wall; What It’s Really Like to Work in PropTech. (September 2022) 

LMRE, Helen Clark; Mental Well-Being in the Workplace. (30th May 2023) 

Talent Point; 3 times when employees are most likely to leave. (24th February 2020) 

LMRE are specialist PropTech recruiters, if you need help growing your business or making any key hires please get in touch via the form below!

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